SCITEC Testo Punch 120 cps
Testo Punch: Powerful Testosterone and Libido Booster
Experience advanced support for testosterone, estrogen and libido optimization with Testo Punch. An ultra-sophisticated matrix that brings together 12 potent ingredients, carefully selected to deliver maximum impact. Highlights include d-Aspartic Acid (DAA), Maca and the exclusive Testofen® fenugreek extract, along with essential vitamins and minerals.
Main benefits:
- Testosterone and Libido: DAA and Testofen® help maintain healthy testosterone levels, while Maca is traditionally recognized as an aphrodisiac.
- Estrogen: Boron and Quercitin help inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, promoting hormonal balance.
- Sexual and Muscle Health: Testofen® is known to support sexual health and muscle mass.
- Hormonal Regulation: Vitamins B5 and B6 contribute to the normal synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, while Vitamin D plays a crucial role in muscle function.
- Zinc for Fertility: Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproduction, maintaining adequate testosterone levels.
How to Use:
Testo Punch offers a complete one-month cycle, with 2 capsules at breakfast and 2 capsules at dinner daily. Optimize your performance and hormonal well-being with this comprehensive formulation.
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