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Aquilea Magnesium Gummies Blackberry (x60 gummies)
€13,87 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Magnesium Gummies Blackberry (x60 gummies)
€13,87 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Magnesium Gummies Blackberry are a delicious and convenient way to consume magnesium, with the refreshing flavor of blackberry. Formulated with trimagnesium citrate, a highly bioavailable form of this essential mineral, these gummies help maintain adequate magnesium levels in the body, contributing to normal muscle function, electrolyte balance and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Features and Benefits:
- Muscle and Nerve Support: Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system, helping to prevent cramps, muscle tension and promoting relaxation.
- Reduces Tiredness and Fatigue: With an ideal dose of trimagnesium citrate, these gummies help reduce tiredness and fatigue, making them ideal for active people or those with demanding lives.
- Electrolyte Balance: Magnesium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the body, promoting cellular hydration and good metabolic function.
- Delicious Blackberry Flavor: These gummies have a pleasant blackberry flavor, making magnesium supplementation an enjoyable experience without the need for tablets or capsules.
- Practical Form of Supplementation: The package with 60 gummies is perfect for a month of supplementation, being easy to transport and consume at any time of the day.
- Highly Bioavailable: Trimagnesium citrate is a form of magnesium that the body absorbs easily, ensuring the supplement’s effectiveness.
How to Use:
Consume 2 Aquilea Magnesium gummies per day. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Suitable for adults who wish to maintain normal magnesium levels.
Try the delicious Aquilea Magnesium Gummies Blackberry and keep your body energized and balanced! Perfect for those looking for a practical and tasty solution to supplement magnesium.
With Aquilea Magnesium Gummies Blackberry (x60), you can take care of your body in an easy and tasty way. This supplement offers highly bioavailable magnesium in the form of tasty gummies, contributing to good muscle function, reduced fatigue and electrolyte balance. An ideal ally for your daily well-being!

Aquilea Mucus 15 Effervescent Tablets
Aquilea Mucus 15 Effervescent Tablets
Aquilea Mucus Effervescent Tablets is a supplement developed to help with respiratory health, promoting the cleansing of the respiratory tract and the elimination of excess mucus. It is indicated for periods of colds or when there is excess secretion, helping to thin the mucus and facilitating its expulsion.
- Mucus Clearance: Helps dissolve mucus in the airways, making it easier to eliminate.
- Natural Decongestant: Relieves congestion, providing freer breathing.
- Fast Action: Because it is effervescent, it dissolves and is quickly absorbed by the body.
Active Ingredients:
- N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): A powerful antioxidant that also helps thin mucus, making it easier to expectorate.
- Natural Plants: May include plant extracts that help relieve coughs and respiratory symptoms, depending on the specific formula.
How to Use:
Dissolve one effervescent tablet in a glass of water and take once a day, or as recommended by a healthcare professional.
Recommended for people with breathing difficulties caused by excess mucus, such as in cases of colds, flu or allergies.
This product is a good option for those looking for natural and effective relief from respiratory symptoms related to mucus build-up.

Aquilea OnBalance Focus Gomas Cereja X60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Focus Gomas Cereja X60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Focus Gomas são gomas mastigáveis especialmente desenvolvidas para melhorar o foco, reduzir o cansaço mental e contribuir para um desempenho mental ideal. A sua fórmula combina ingredientes naturais e vitaminas que ajudam a manter o equilíbrio durante tarefas exigentes.
- Melhora o Foco e Concentração: Ingredientes adaptogénicos para maior clareza mental.
- Reduz o Cansaço Mental: Ajuda a combater a fadiga e promove a energia.
- Equilíbrio Natural: Contribui para a gestão do stress mental e físico.
- Sabor Agradável: Gomas com sabor a cereja, fáceis e práticas de consumir.
Composição Ativa:
- Ashwagandha: Planta adaptogénica conhecida por melhorar o foco, reduzir o stress e aumentar a energia mental.
- Eleuterococo (Ginseng Siberiano): Estimula a resistência ao stress e melhora o desempenho cognitivo.
- Vitamina B5 (Ácido Pantoténico): Contribui para a performance mental e reduz o cansaço e a fadiga.
- Óleo de Sementes de Cânhamo: Rico em ácidos gordos essenciais, contribui para o bem-estar geral e equilíbrio mental.
- Indicado para períodos de alta exigência mental, como estudos, trabalho intenso ou preparação para exames.
- Ideal para quem busca um suplemento natural que ajude a manter a clareza mental e o equilíbrio emocional.
Modo de Utilização:
Consumir 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades exigentes.
Mastigar bem antes de engolir.
Não exceder a dose diária recomendada.
Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos.
Consulte um profissional de saúde em caso de gravidez, amamentação ou se estiver a tomar outros medicamentos.
Evitar o consumo em excesso.
Manter fora do alcance das crianças.
Aquilea OnBalance Focus Gomas Cereja é uma solução prática e deliciosa para melhorar o foco, reduzir o stress e aumentar a energia mental, com uma fórmula natural e equilibrada.

Aquilea OnBalance Relax Gomas x60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Relax Gomas x60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Relax Gomas foram desenvolvidas para ajudar a promover o relaxamento e o bem-estar geral em momentos de stress e tensão diária. A sua fórmula combina ingredientes naturais que ajudam a relaxar a mente e o corpo, proporcionando uma sensação de calma e equilíbrio.
- Promove o Relaxamento: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão mental e física.
- Redução do Stress: Ingredientes que atuam no sistema nervoso, ajudando a combater os efeitos do stress.
- Equilíbrio Emocional: Ideal para momentos de maior pressão ou agitação.
- Fórmula Natural e Completa: Contém compostos relaxantes e nutrientes que suportam o bem-estar geral.
Composição Ativa:
- Ashwagandha: Planta adaptogénica que ajuda a reduzir o stress, promovendo o relaxamento e a clareza mental.
- GABA (Ácido Gama-Aminobutírico): Neurotransmissor que ajuda a acalmar a mente e reduzir a ansiedade.
- Melissa: Conhecida pelas suas propriedades relaxantes, ajuda a aliviar o nervosismo e a promover o descanso.
- Lavanda: Planta com propriedades calmantes que ajudam a reduzir a tensão e promover o relaxamento.
- Ómega 6: Contribui para o equilíbrio emocional e o bem-estar geral.
- Óleo de Sementes de Cânhamo: Rico em ácidos gordos essenciais, ajuda a acalmar o sistema nervoso e promove a sensação de serenidade.
- Perfeito para quem lida com stress diário ou situações de maior tensão emocional.
- Ideal para períodos de maior pressão, como exames, trabalho intenso ou mudanças significativas na rotina.
- Ajuda a manter a calma e o foco em momentos desafiadores.
Modo de Utilização:
Tomar 2 gomas por dia, preferencialmente em momentos de maior necessidade de relaxamento.
Mastigar bem antes de engolir.
Não exceder a dose diária recomendada.
Não recomendado para crianças com menos de 12 anos.
Consulte um profissional de saúde em caso de gravidez, amamentação ou se estiver a tomar medicamentos.
Manter fora do alcance das crianças.
Aquilea OnBalance Relax Gomas x60 é uma solução prática e saborosa para enfrentar o stress e as tensões do dia a dia, ajudando a alcançar um estado de relaxamento e equilíbrio emocional de forma natural.

Aquilea OnBalance Sleep Gomas x60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Sleep Gomas x60
€15,55 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Sleep Gomas foram desenvolvidas para ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono de forma natural. A sua fórmula combina ingredientes conhecidos por promover o relaxamento, regular o ciclo do sono e proporcionar um descanso mais tranquilo.
- Promove um Sono Reparador: Ajuda a adormecer mais rapidamente e melhora a qualidade do sono.
- Relaxamento e Bem-Estar: Contribui para relaxar o corpo e a mente antes de dormir.
- Apoio Natural ao Ciclo do Sono: A melatonina regula o ritmo circadiano e auxilia no ajuste a novos horários, como após viagens.
- Fórmula Completa: Inclui ingredientes essenciais para um sono saudável e regenerador.
Composição Ativa:
- Ashwagandha: Planta adaptogénica que ajuda a reduzir o stress e promove o relaxamento.
- Melatonina: Ajuda a reduzir o tempo necessário para adormecer e melhora a qualidade do sono.
- Vitamina B6: Contribui para a regulação da atividade hormonal e para o funcionamento normal do sistema nervoso.
- Ómega 6: Essencial para o bem-estar geral, contribui para o equilíbrio mental e físico.
- Óleo de Sementes de Cânhamo: Rico em ácidos gordos essenciais que ajudam a relaxar o sistema nervoso.
Indicado para quem tem dificuldade em adormecer ou manter um sono contínuo.
Ideal para períodos de maior stress ou mudança de rotinas que afetam o sono.
Apoia o sono em situações como jet lag ou horários irregulares.
Modo de Utilização:
Consumir 2 gomas por dia cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir.
Mastigar bem antes de engolir.
Não exceder a dose diária recomendada.
Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos.
Consulte um profissional de saúde em caso de gravidez, amamentação ou se estiver a tomar outros medicamentos.
Este produto contém melatonina, evite conduzir ou operar máquinas após a sua ingestão.
Manter fora do alcance das crianças.
Aquilea OnBalance Sleep Gomas x60 oferece uma solução natural, prática e saborosa para melhorar o sono, ajudando a relaxar e a obter noites tranquilas e reparadoras.

Aquilea OnBalance Smile Gomas x60
€17,70 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Smile Gomas x60
€17,70 EUR
Unit price perAquilea OnBalance Smile é um suplemento alimentar em forma de gomas, formulado para promover o equilíbrio emocional e o bem-estar mental. Contém ingredientes que contribuem para melhorar o humor e aliviar a sensação de cansaço mental.
- Promove o Bem-Estar: Ajuda a manter um estado emocional equilibrado.
- Combate o Cansaço: Contribui para a redução da fadiga e do cansaço mental.
- Prático e Saboroso: Gomas mastigáveis com sabor agradável, fáceis de consumir no dia a dia.
- Fórmula Segura: Adequado para uso diário.
- Triptofano: Precursor da serotonina, essencial para o equilíbrio emocional.
- Vitamina B6: Contribui para a função psicológica normal e para a redução do cansaço.
- Magnésio: Ajuda a relaxar e a reduzir o stress, promovendo o equilíbrio mental.
Indicado para pessoas com sintomas de stress, ansiedade leve ou fadiga mental.
Apoio em períodos de maior exigência emocional ou mental.
Modo de Utilização:
Consumir 2 gomas por dia, de preferência à mesma hora.
Mastigar até dissolver completamente, sem necessidade de água.
Não exceder a dose diária recomendada.
Não recomendado para crianças menores de 12 anos.
Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar, especialmente se estiver grávida, a amamentar ou a tomar outros medicamentos.
Manter fora do alcance das crianças.
Aquilea OnBalance Smile Gomas é a solução ideal para quem busca um suporte prático e eficaz para melhorar o humor e combater o cansaço diário, promovendo o equilíbrio emocional de forma natural e saborosa.

Aquilea Light Legs 60 Tablets
€13,00 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Light Legs 60 Tablets
€13,00 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Pernas Leves is a food supplement designed to relieve the feeling of tired and heavy legs, promoting healthy blood circulation. This supplement is ideal for people who spend many hours standing or sitting, lead a sedentary lifestyle, or have a genetic predisposition to circulatory problems.
Main benefits:
- Maintains Normal Circulation: Helps maintain healthy blood circulation, facilitating venous return.
- Reduces the feeling of heaviness: Relieves the feeling of heavy and tired legs, providing a feeling of lightness and freshness.
- Revitalizes the Legs: Thanks to its combination of natural ingredients, it revitalizes and energizes the legs.
- Contributes to the Normal Functioning of Blood Vessels: Promotes the health of blood vessels, contributing to their proper functioning.
Active Ingredients:
- Bioflavonoids (Diosmin, Rutin, Hesperidin): Potent antioxidants that help strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation.
- Rusco: Known for its venotonic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce swelling and improve circulation.
- Horse Chestnut: Helps improve circulation and reduce inflammation and swelling in the legs.
- Vitamin C: Contributes to the normal formation of collagen, essential for the health of blood vessels.
- NO Gluten, NO Sugar, NO Lactose
How to Use:
- Dosage: Take 2 tablets per day.
Aquilea Pernas Leves is a natural and effective solution for those who suffer from tired and heavy legs. With a formula rich in bioflavonoids, rusco, horse chestnut and vitamin C, this supplement promotes healthy circulation, reducing the feeling of heaviness and tiredness in the legs. Ideal for daily use, it helps to revitalize the legs and provide a feeling of lightness and well-being.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed recommended serving. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children.

Aquilea Legs Light Body Gel 100ml
€9,88 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Legs Light Body Gel 100ml
€9,88 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Pernas Leves Gel is a revitalizing gel formulated to relieve the feeling of tired and heavy legs. This product is ideal for anyone suffering from leg fatigue due to poor circulation, long periods of standing or sitting, or simply looking for refreshing, calming relief.
Main benefits:
- Activates Microcirculation: Promotes and activates skin microcirculation, helping to reduce the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs.
- Refreshing Effect: Provides an immediate sensation of freshness and relief.
- Hydration and Toning: Hydrates and tones the skin, leaving it smooth and revitalized.
- Phytosome® Technology: For greater absorption of active ingredients.
Active Ingredients:
- Horse Chestnut: Known for its venotonic and anti-inflammatory properties, which help improve circulation and reduce swelling.
- Mint: Provides a feeling of freshness and immediate relief.
- Ginkgo Biloba: Improves blood circulation and combats the feeling of tiredness in the legs.
- Red Vine: Rich in antioxidants, helps protect and strengthen blood vessels, improving circulation.
How to Use:
- Application: Apply the gel to the desired area, morning and evening, performing a circular massage until completely absorbed.
- Massage: Massage should be done on the legs from bottom to top, to stimulate circulation and provide more effective relief.
Aquilea Pernas Leves Gel is an effective solution for those who suffer from tired and heavy legs. With a formula rich in natural ingredients such as horse chestnut, mint, ginkgo biloba and red vine, this gel not only relieves fatigue and swelling, but also hydrates and tones the skin. Ideal for daily use, it provides quick relief and a refreshing sensation, revitalizing tired legs.
This product is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Should not be used by pregnant women. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children.

Aquilea Light Legs Spray 150ml
Aquilea Light Legs Spray 150ml
Aquilea Light Legs Spray is a product specially formulated to provide an immediate sensation of freshness and lightness to the legs. This spray is ideal for those who suffer from tired, swollen or heavy legs, helping to revitalize and improve comfort throughout the day.
Main Benefits:
- Immediate Relief: Provides an instant feeling of freshness, quickly relieving the feeling of tired legs.
- Improves Circulation: Formulated with natural ingredients that stimulate microcirculation, helping to reduce the feeling of heavy legs.
- Hydration and Care: Hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and cared for after application.
- Easy Application: Practical, fast-absorbing spray that can be used at any time of the day, even over clothing.
- Daily Use: Ideal for regular use, providing comfort throughout the day.
- Compact and Practical: 150ml format, perfect for carrying in your bag or suitcase.
Suitable for All Ages: Suitable for adults who need fast and effective relief.
Active Ingredients:
- Menthol: Provides a refreshing sensation that relieves leg fatigue.
- Horse chestnut: Known for its properties that help improve blood circulation and reduce swelling.
- Witch hazel: Plant with calming properties that help alleviate discomfort.
How to Use:
Application: Spray directly onto legs, starting from ankles and working up to thighs.
Massage: Massage gently to aid absorption and improve circulation.
Frequency: Use whenever you feel the need, especially after long periods of standing or sitting.

Aquilea Probiomax 45 Capsules
Aquilea Probiomax 45 Capsules
Aquilea Probiomax is a dietary supplement formulated with probiotics and prebiotics to promote intestinal health and balance of the microbiota (intestinal flora). With 45 capsules, this product helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, strengthening the body's natural defenses and promoting general well-being.
- Balance of Intestinal Microbiota: Helps maintain and restore the balance of intestinal flora, essential for digestive health.
- Improved Digestion: Promotes healthy digestion, relieving digestive problems such as bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort.
- Strengthening the Immune System: Probiotics help to strengthen the body's natural defenses, since a large part of the immune system is associated with the intestine.
- Relief from Intestinal Disorders: It can be useful in cases of constipation, diarrhea or after using antibiotics, which can unbalance the intestinal flora.
- General Health: Contributes to general well-being, helping with the efficient absorption of nutrients and keeping the body healthy.
Main Ingredients:
- Probiotics (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium): Beneficial bacteria that help balance intestinal flora, promoting healthy digestion and strengthening the immune system.
- Prebiotics (FOS - Fructooligosaccharides): Fibers that serve as food for probiotics, helping to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
- Digestive Disorders: Recommended for people suffering from digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, gas or diarrhea.
- After Antibiotic Use: Ideal for restoring intestinal flora after antibiotic treatments, which can reduce beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
- Strengthening the Immune System: For those who want to improve their immunity and overall health.
How to Use:
Dosage: Generally, it is recommended to take 1 capsule per day, with water, preferably before a meal. However, this may vary depending on the manufacturer's or healthcare professional's instructions.
Administration: Swallow the capsule with water, without chewing.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, consult your physician before using this product.
Maintain Recommended Dose: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose unless directed by a healthcare professional.
Aquilea Probiomax is an ideal supplement to promote intestinal health and microbiota balance, offering benefits for digestion, the immune system and general well-being, in a practical and easy-to-administer formula.

Aquilea Qbiotics Flora Digest Gummies Strawberry 30 Gummies
Aquilea Qbiotics Flora Digest Gummies Strawberry 30 Gummies
Aquilea Qbiotics Flora Digest Gummies Strawberry is a food supplement in strawberry-flavored gummy format designed to promote digestive health. This supplement combines multiple strains of probiotics, prebiotic fiber, calcium and vitamin C to support and balance the gut microbiota and improve digestion.
Main benefits:
- Rebalances the Intestinal Microbiota: Contains tindalized strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus LRa05 and Bifidobacterium lactis BLa80, which help to rebalance the intestinal microbiota.
- Prebiotic Effect: Inulin, a soluble vegetable fiber, promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine.
- Digestive Support: Calcium promotes the proper functioning of digestive enzymes, promoting healthy digestion.
- Antioxidant Protection: Vitamin C helps protect the body from free radicals with its antioxidant action.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus LRa05
Bifidobacterium lactis BLa80
Vitamin C
How to Use:
- Maintenance of Intestinal Microbiota: Take 1 gummy per day.
- Intestinal Imbalances or Antibiotic Therapy: Take 3 gummies per day.
Aquilea Qbiotics Flora Digest Gummies Strawberry is a tasty and practical solution to promote digestive health. With an effective combination of probiotics, prebiotics, calcium and vitamin C, this supplement helps maintain intestinal microbiota balance, supports healthy digestion and offers antioxidant protection. Ideal for those looking to improve their digestive health in a pleasant and easy way to incorporate into their daily routine.

Aquilea Relax 30 Tablets
Aquilea Relax 30 Tablets
Aquilea Relax is a dietary supplement designed to help reduce stress and promote relaxation. It combines natural ingredients that can help improve overall well-being and provide a sense of calm and tranquility. Here are the details about the product:
- Stress Reduction: Helps reduce stress and tension, promoting a state of relaxation.
- Improved Well-Being: Contributes to general well-being, helping to improve quality of life and a sense of tranquility.
- Nervous System Support: Helps maintain healthy functioning of the nervous system, which can be affected by chronic stress.
Main Ingredients:
- Passion Flower Extract: Known for its calming and relaxing properties, helping to reduce anxiety and promote a more peaceful sleep.
- Valerian Extract: Traditionally used to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
- Vitamin B6: Contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and may help reduce tiredness and fatigue.
- Magnesium: Helps maintain normal muscle and nervous system function, as well as contributing to stress reduction.
Stress and Anxiety: Ideal for people experiencing high levels of stress and anxiety and looking for a natural approach to promoting relaxation.
Daily Use: Can be used daily, as needed, to help maintain a state of calm and well-being.
How to Use:
Dosage: Generally, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 tablets per day, depending on individual needs and the manufacturer's instructions. It is important to follow the product instructions or the recommendations of your healthcare professional.
Administration: Swallow the tablet with a glass of water, preferably with a meal for better absorption.
Aquilea Relax offers a natural option to help manage stress and promote an overall sense of calm and well-being, using ingredients known for their relaxing properties.

Aquilea Sono Forte 30 Tablets
€12,31 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Sono Forte 30 Tablets
€12,31 EUR
Unit price perAquilea Sono Forte is a supplement formulated to help those who have trouble sleeping, offering advanced support for peaceful and restful nights. With a double-layer formula that combines melatonin and plant extracts such as valerian, passionflower and California poppy, these tablets help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and improve the quality of sleep, providing a deep and refreshing rest.
Features and Benefits:
- Double Layer Formula: Aquilea Sono Forte is formulated with a double layer technology, releasing melatonin quickly to facilitate falling asleep, and relaxing plant extracts, which act gradually to maintain continuous sleep.
- Reduced Time to Fall Asleep: The melatonin present in the tablets helps to reduce the time needed to fall asleep, adjusting the sleep cycle naturally and without side effects.
- Deep Relaxation with Calming Herbs: Contains valerian, passionflower, California poppy and lemon balm, which help promote mental and physical relaxation, combating stress and anxiety that often interfere with sleep.
- Continuous and Refreshing Sleep: Aquilea Sono Forte's advanced formula not only makes it easier to fall asleep, but also maintains deep sleep, avoiding interruptions throughout the night and ensuring complete rest.
- Non-Addictive: This natural supplement is non-addictive, making it a safe solution for those looking for an effective and natural way to improve their sleep quality.
- Practical Tablet Format: The package with 30 tablets offers a month of supplementation for quality sleep, ideal for those who have difficulty maintaining regular sleep.
How to Use:
Take 1 Aquilea Sono Forte tablet per day, 30 minutes before bedtime. Recommended for adults who need extra help to sleep better.
Improve the quality of your sleep with Aquilea Sono Forte. A natural and powerful solution for more peaceful and restful nights!
With Aquilea Sono Forte 30 Tablets, enjoy an advanced solution to combat insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep. Thanks to its unique formula with melatonin and calming plants, this supplement helps you fall asleep quickly and have a deep and refreshing night's sleep, without the risk of addiction. Ideal for those looking for an effective and natural solution for sleep.

Aquilea Sono Gummies + 30 gummies
Aquilea Sono Gummies + 30 gummies
Aquilea Sono Gummies+ are an effective and tasty way to promote a peaceful and restful sleep. With a formula enriched with melatonin and plant extracts, these gummies help regulate the sleep cycle, making it easier to fall asleep and improving the quality of sleep. Perfect for those who have difficulty sleeping or want to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep naturally and without side effects.
Features and Benefits:
- Helps You Fall Asleep Faster: Contains melatonin, a natural compound that regulates the circadian rhythm, helping to reduce the time needed to fall asleep and promoting quality sleep.
- Natural Plant-Based Formula: Enriched with plant extracts such as valerian, passionflower and lemon balm, which have relaxing properties, helping to calm and prepare the body for rest.
- Tasty and Easy-to-Consume Gummies: With a pleasant flavor, Aquilea Sono Gummies+ make the process of taking care of your sleep simple and enjoyable, without the need for pills or liquids.
- Stress and Anxiety Reduction: The combination of relaxing plants and melatonin helps reduce stress and anxiety, conditions that often interfere with sleep quality.
- No Risk of Dependence: Unlike many sleep medications, Aquilea Sono Gummies+ are a natural solution that is non-addictive, making them a safe option for daily use.
- Practical Format: With 30 gummies, this package offers a convenient solution to improve sleep, ideal for adults looking for an easy-to-consume supplement.
How to Use:
Take 1 Aquilea Sono Gummies+ gummy per day, 30 minutes before bedtime. Suitable for adults who want to improve the quality of their sleep naturally.
Enjoy more peaceful nights and wake up refreshed with Aquilea Sono Gummies+. A natural and delicious solution to improve your sleep!
If you are looking for a natural supplement to improve your sleep, Aquilea Sono Gummies+ 30 Gummies are the ideal choice. With a formula based on melatonin and calming plants, they help you fall asleep faster and enjoy a deeper rest, without causing dependency. Enjoy restful nights of sleep and days with more energy and energy!

Aquilea Sono Instant 25 Sachets Lemon Flavor
Aquilea Sono Instant 25 Sachets Lemon Flavor
Aquilea Sono Instant Saquetas is a food supplement designed to help improve the quality of sleep. Each sachet contains a combination of melatonin and relaxing plant extracts, such as lemon balm, passionflower and California poppy, which help you fall asleep faster and get restful, quality sleep.
Main benefits:
- Sleep Induction: Contains 1.95 mg of melatonin, which helps reduce the time needed to fall asleep.
- Relaxation: Passionflower is known for its relaxing properties, helping to promote a state of calm.
- Restful Sleep: Lemon balm and California poppy contribute to deep, continuous sleep.
- Versatility: Can be consumed with cold or hot water, depending on preference.
- Relaxing Ritual: Starting the night with this supplement can help establish a calming ritual before bed.
How to Use:
- Dosage: Take half an hour before going to bed.
- Administration: Dissolve the contents of one sachet in a glass of water (hot or cold) and mix well before consuming.
- Melatonin (1.95 mg): Hormone that regulates the sleep cycle.
- Lemon Balm: Helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
- Passionflower: Contributes to reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality.
- California Poppy: Known for its sedative properties, helping to induce deep sleep.
Regular Use: Can be used daily to help improve sleep quality.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and out of the reach of children.
Warnings: This supplement should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Consult a healthcare professional before starting use, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or taking other medications.
Aquilea Sono Instant Sachets is an excellent option for those who have difficulty falling asleep or maintaining quality sleep. With its melatonin formula and relaxing plant extracts, this supplement offers a natural approach to improving sleep, promoting relaxation and helping to establish a healthy sleep cycle.

Aquilea Stagutt Detox Drops 30ml
Aquilea Stagutt Detox Drops 30ml
Aquilea Stagutt Detox Drops is a dietary supplement in drops that helps detoxify the body, helping to eliminate accumulated toxins and promoting general well-being. This product is formulated with natural ingredients that support liver and digestive function, helping to improve the elimination process and the feeling of lightness in the body.
- Natural Detoxification: Helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, promoting internal cleansing and improving well-being.
- Supports Liver Function: Supports the function of the liver, one of the body's main detoxification organs.
- Improved Digestion: Promotes the digestive process, helping to eliminate waste and improve intestinal function.
- Feeling of Lightness: Contributes to the feeling of general well-being, reducing the sensation of bloating and abdominal discomfort.
Main Ingredients:
- Artichoke Extract: Known for its detox properties, it promotes liver function and aids in the digestion of fats.
- Dandelion Extract: Acts as a natural diuretic, helping to eliminate excess fluids and toxins from the body.
- Milk Thistle: Traditionally used to support liver function, helping to protect and regenerate it.
- Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants, it helps eliminate toxins and aids in weight loss.
- Body Detoxification: Recommended for those who want to eliminate toxins and improve the health of their liver and digestive system.
- After Overeating: Ideal for use after periods of overeating or alcohol consumption, to help the body recover.
- Daily Use: Can be used as part of a daily health and wellness routine.
How to Use:
Dosage: Generally, it is recommended to dilute 20 drops in a glass of water (about 200 ml), up to three times a day, as directed by the manufacturer or a healthcare professional.
Administration: Take the drops diluted in water, preferably after meals, to facilitate the digestive process.
Aquilea Stagutt Detox Drops is a practical and effective solution for those who want to promote a natural detoxification of the body, improving liver and digestive function and providing a feeling of lightness and general well-being.

Aquilea Stagutt Detox X 30 drinkable ampoules
Aquilea Stagutt Detox X 30 drinkable ampoules
Aquilea Stagutt Detox X is a dietary supplement in the form of drinkable vials, developed to help detoxify the body. It contains a combination of natural ingredients that promote liver function, stimulate the elimination of toxins and improve overall well-being. It is especially recommended for those seeking a complete detox, after overeating or to improve liver function.
- Body Detoxification: Helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body, promoting complete internal cleansing.
- Supports Liver Function: Stimulates and protects liver function, helping the liver eliminate harmful substances.
- Improves Digestive Health: Relieves the feeling of bloating and improves the digestive process, especially after heavy meals.
- Reduces Fluid Retention: Contains natural diuretic ingredients that help eliminate excess fluid from the body.
- Sensation of Lightness: Provides a sensation of lightness and well-being, ideal for those who want to restore their body's balance.
Main Ingredients:
- Artichoke: Known for its detoxifying properties, it supports healthy liver function and improves fat digestion.
- Dandelion: A natural diuretic that helps eliminate accumulated fluids and toxins, helping to purify the body.
- Milk Thistle: Protects and regenerates liver cells, being a fundamental ingredient for liver detoxification.
- Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants, it helps eliminate toxins, speeds up metabolism and helps with weight control.
- Complete Detox: Ideal for those looking for an effective solution to detoxify the body and improve liver function.
- Excessive Eating: Recommended after periods of irregular eating, excessive alcohol consumption or heavy foods.
- Daily Use: Can be used daily during detox cycles, as needed.
How to Use:
Dosage: Generally, it is recommended to take 1 ampoule per day, diluted in half a glass of water (about 100 ml), preferably before main meals.
Administration: Shake well before consuming. The contents of the ampoule can be mixed with water or taken directly, depending on preference.
Precautions: Consult a Healthcare Professional: Consult your physician before use, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, have liver disease, or are taking medication.
Aquilea Stagutt Detox X in drinkable ampoules offers a practical and effective way to promote detoxification of the body, helping to improve liver function, stimulate digestion and provide a general feeling of lightness and well-being.

Aquilea Uri Sos 10 Capsules
Aquilea Uri Sos 10 Capsules
Aquilea URI SOS is a food supplement designed to support urinary tract health. Contains UTIrose™ (Hibiscus), a patented and clinically tested compound, in addition to Vitamin C, which contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system and the protection of cells against unwanted oxidation.
Main benefits:
Urinary Tract Support: Formulated to promote urinary tract health and prevent urinary infections.
Strengthens the Immune System: The Vitamin C present in the supplement contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system.
Antioxidant Protection: Helps protect cells against oxidative damage.
Clinically Tested Efficacy: Contains UTIrose™, a patented Hibiscus compound with proven efficacy in clinical studies.
Active Ingredients:
- UTIrose™ (Hibiscus): A patented compound derived from Hibiscus, known for its beneficial properties for urinary tract health.
- Vitamin C: Essential for the immune system and acts as an antioxidant, protecting the body's cells against oxidative stress.
- NO Gluten, NO Lactose, NO Sugar
How to Use: - Dosage: Take 2 capsules per day.
Aquilea URI SOS is an effective supplement to support urinary tract health and strengthen the immune system. With clinically tested ingredients such as UTIrose™ (Hibiscus) and Vitamin C, this product offers a natural and practical solution to maintain the well-being of the urinary system and the antioxidant protection of cells. Ideal for those looking for additional support for urinary health, especially in times of greatest need.
Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Do not exceed recommended serving. Store in a cool, dry place, protected from sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children.